Thursday, January 21, 2010

Mikan and the Baby

K-chan gruffly picked up the 2 year old by the back of his burgundy shirt and hoisted him up and out of the closet.
“What is it?!” She shouted.
At that moment Night came fumbling out of a near by door.
“There he is- you found him!”
K-chan shook the weeping boy in front of him, “Night is this yours? What is it?”
Koto joined in, her little hands on her hips, “and what is he doing ruining our hard work? I found the ladies’ guest room a mess with his snot all over the new bed sheets!”
Knight shrugged and tried to take the squirming child from K-chan but was only met with increased shrieking. “It’s only a child.”
“It’s going to be only a PANCAKE when I get through with it!”
At this point most of the south east corner of the house including Mikan and Ichigo had gathered to see what the huge ruckus was about.
“Night-kun you never told us you had a baby!” Tanpopo teased with a swat of her hand.
“He’s not mine-” Night shouted between tiny kicks and punches, “He is Lady Momo’s and Lord Sentence’s first child. They have come for a visit and asked that we give it to the nanny.”
K-chan rolled her eyes, “We don’t have nanny. Did you tell them we still don’t have nanny? We don’t got any children!”
“I tried to but Lady Momo-” Night was having a hard time now just keeping the child from falling out of his arms. K-chan spun on the gathered crowd and eyed them down.
Tanpopo’s eyes went wide. “No offence boss but I’m no good with kids! Plus I gotta watch the door! How would it look to have drool all over my dress?” She stole a glance at Takashi and blushed.
“Fine. Koto-”
“Nooooo. I’ll kill the kid before I take care of him. Plus he just gave me another day’s work to catch up on.” Koto crossed her arms and openly glared at the baby.
Sami just raised her eyebrows. Immediately K-chan changed her mind.
She was getting desperate and her eyes grazed over her remaining servants who all either had work to do, an excuse as to why they couldn’t possibly do it, or K-chan simply didn’t trust them.
Suddenly, Ichigo had an idea. She nudged Mikan with her elbow to the front of the little crowd. Mikan looked back at her questioningly and then she understood.
“I can do it!” Mikan called out.
K-chan eyed her suspiciously. This maid could barely fold a napkin correctly much less babysit an important child. But Mikan stood firm with her hands clasped behind her apron. What would Queen Aino say about her daughter changing diapers?
When the baby let out a sudden piercing shriek it brought K-chan back to reality. She began giving her orders as she nodded at Night who immediately handed the shrieking burden over to Mikan.
“I don’t wanna hear peeps out of this thing while Lady Momo and Lord Sentence are here, you understand Mikan? Everyone back to work!”
“Yes milady!” Mikan slowly placed the child on the ground and crouched down next to it. Even though K-chan had given the clear order to disperse, no one moved from their spot around the maid and the child who was sniffing madly and muttering the same incomprehensible blather over and over while Mikan listened. They were curious to see what she would do. And so far it looked like she was going to do nothing.
The child soon noticed all had gone quiet and attention was on Mikan, who was staring intently at him, so he began to direct his baby-talk at her.
After a few minutes of pleading Mikan broke into a smile and spoke in a clear but high-pitched voice.
“Are you hungry?” Immediately the child hopped up and put his hands on Mikan’s dress. “I see!” She hoisted the little one onto her hip, ignoring the amazed looks on the faces all around them. She turned to Sami, “Sami would you mind making two luke-warm bowls of porridge and a little plate of brown sugar in a about 10 minutes?” Sami grimaced but nodded.
“How about you take him to the Library? You won’t be in anyone’s way in that part of the house.” Koto offered.
Mikan nodded. “Alright. Thank you Koto!” She bowed as best she could with the sniffling child wetting her once perfectly white sleeve with his tears, and walked toward the library uttering soothing things under her breath.
Ichigo was smiling and said almost to herself, “She had a little sister not too long ago.”
Once they were gone, K-chan clapped her hands in her usual fashion- “I thought you all had work to do! Let go!”

Goshujin-sama approached the heavy wooden doors to the library. There was a point he was trying to make but Sentence just would believe him without at least a little proof. So he had gone in search of a particular book that would explain it but before he could reach the door handle he perceived that it was partially open. And out of that crack came an unfamiliar young woman’s laughter.
Carefully, he approached the door and peeked through. There, on the far side of the room in the streaming afternoon light sat one of the new maids- the one with almond shaped eyes- the one who had served his breakfast all those days ago! She was sitting primly on her knees next to a toddler who was dressed in gaudy clothing (he recognized him as Momo’s first child), laying on his stomach running a pen haphazardly over a piece of loose paper. The girl to his side sat calmly commenting on how interesting or beautiful the drawing was, sometimes pointing at objects and asking the child what they were.
Her voice was sweet but not condescending. It spoke in low tones that filled the musty room with moƩ that Goshujin-sama had never felt before. The gentle smile on her pale lips was mature and relaxed. After a few minutes, she lifted up the small one onto the couch behind them and placed a book in their lap. She began to read slowly and distinctly, pointing out each picture, and emphasizing every important word. Sometimes the child would react to what has happening in the story and look up at the maid who would mimic the face with love. Never once did the maid think to look up to see if anyone were listening or watching. As far as she was concerned, the whole world was in this small room that was full from top to bottom with his stuffy books.
She was so gentle with the child that Goshujin-sama was instantly mesmerized. How long he had stood there, he had no idea. But it wasn’t until the third time he was called did he wake from his trance
“Goshujin-sama? Are you alright?”